
2050 Partners Inc.: Our Competitive Advantage

2050 Partners Inc. Team
March 25, 2021

Overlooking cultural meaning in communications and marketing initiatives is an expensive error—racking up losses in tainted brand value & image, fleeting customer loyalty, wasted resources, diminished sales, prospective business and lucrative partner & sponsorships for both corporate and personal brands. Adequate perspective is a cost savings measure.

The World Is Changing. Stay Connected. Be Relevant.

By 2035, Americans age 65 and older are forecast to outnumber kids for the first time. [1]

From July, 1 2016 to July 1, 2017, the Hispanic population increased 2.1% to 58.9 million, and made up 18.1% of the nation’s total population in 2017. [2]

From July, 1 2016 to July 1, 2017,  black or African-American population increased 1.2% to 47.4 million. [2]

Mothers were the sole or primary breadwinner in a record 40% of all households with children as of 2011. [4]

From July, 1 2016 to July 1, 2017, the Asian population, the fastest-growing racial group in the nation, increased 3.1% to 22.2 million. Their increase is primarily due to net migration. [2]

In 2016, a record 64 million people, or 20% of the U.S. population, lived with multiple generations under one roof. [3]

As a group, the population in rural counties grew 3% since 2000, less than their 8% growth in the 1990s. Urban county population rose 13% since 2000 and the population in suburban and small metro counties went up 16%. [3]

87% of adults over the age of 65 get their news from television compared to only 16% of Americans age 18-29. [5]

36% of Americans age 18-29, get news there often, topping news websites, TV (16%), radio (13%) and print (2%). [5]


Hire or Partner with 2050 Partners Inc. We can help you, your company or city navigate dynamics of a changing world.

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1. Older People Projected to Outnumber Children for First Time in U.S. History  [ US Census ]

2. How U.S. Demographics Are Changing: America Got Less White, Older, and More Urban Last Year [ Fortune / US Census ]

3. Demographic and economic trends in urban, suburban and rural communities [ Pew Research ]

4. Breadwinner Moms  [Pew Research]

5. Social media outpaces print newspapers in the U.S. as a news source [ Pew Research ]

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